Kickstart business idea competition 2024

Hey student, we hope you join Kickstart - a business idea competition that brings together students from the University of Oulu, Oulu University of Applied Sciences, and OSAO. Your team can win up to 1 000 € + 1 500 € just by pitching your business idea!

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The application is open again! Please apply 16.9.-30.10.2024 and you are in the competition!
The Grand Finals are organized on 27.11. this time at the OSAO premises.
More information and the application form:


Are you a student at Oulu University of Applied Sciences, the University of Oulu, or OSAO? You can participate in the competition in Finnish or English, individually or as a team, and from any field of study.


The competition is organized in two phases.

Phase 1: Apply to the Kickstart competition of your faculty. If your business idea makes it through, you will proceed to a faculty final, where you will compete against other business ideas from your faculty. Fill out the registration form carefully before submission, as it cannot be edited later.

If you place in the top three business ideas in your faculty, you move on to Phase 2.

Phase 2: The top business ideas from each faculty compete against each other in the Kickstart grand final. In the grand final, teams deliver 5-minute pitches to a panel of esteemed judges, who then determine the winner.


How to apply?

  1. Make a video about your business idea. (Instructions below.)
  2. Fill out the registration form and attach your video link.
  3. Submit the form and wait for information on possible entry to the semi-finals.

Instructions for the video:

Make max 5-minute long video where you explain at least the following things:

  1. What is your business idea? Describe the business idea briefly.
  2. An idea with business potential always offers a solution to some challenge. What problem or need does your business idea address? Describe your product or service.
  3. Who are your customers?
  4. Business is always a venture that is meant to bring profit. How will you make money with this business idea (who pays, what pays, and why?)
  5. Would you like to share something else about your idea?

    You can, for example, explain: The competitive situation in the industry of your business idea. The practical implementation of your idea. The challenges involved in implementing the idea?

  6. Upload your video to YouTube and create a shareable link that you can attach to the application form. Make sure that the link really works!

    The video can be shot with any camera and in any style. The most important thing is that the video clearly shows the requested information!

The participant's personal data will not be disclosed to outsiders, and will only be processed by the organizers of the competition's educational organizations in communication related to the competition.


If you have questions or would like to hear more, don't hesitate to send a message to

Last updated: 24.9.2024