Development of assisted reproduction technologies

Research group information

Contact information

Research group leader

  • Professor
    Hannu Martikainen

Research group description

The proportion of infertile couples is increasing for several reasons. During the last 30 years the treatment modalities of infertility have been improved remarkably. In this research project different treatment modes have been extensively studied including the clinical efficiency and also cost-effectiveness of the therapy. A database for the collection of the clinical data was developed which is currently used in the most infertility clinics in Finland enabling the scientific collaboration. On of the main focus is to improve the safety of the therapy by minimizing the number of multiple pregnancies, which is still the main risk factor of the infertility treatment.

Our team

Where are we headed

Embryo freezing in association with in vitro fertlization is an essential part of infertility treatment in Finland but not in many other countries. The main focus is further evaluate the effects of therapy on the fetus and pregnancy outcome. The effect of embryo freezing on the implantation process, fetal development and child growth will be analysed. Male factor infertility may be inherited to a male child after infertility treatment. Therefore, we will start to evaluate reproductive health of the men born after intracytoplasmic sperm injection.

Our main collaborators

  • Peter Humaidan, professor, Skive Regional hospital, Denmark
  • Sinikka Nuojua-Huttunen, doctor, Family Federation, Oulu
  • Antti Perheentupa, docent, University of Turku
  • Anne-Maria Suikkari, docent, Family Federation, Helsinki
  • Aila Tiitinen, professor, University of Helsinki

How to find us
