Heli Jantunen

Heli Jantunen has two M. Sc. Degrees (Physics, Electrical Engineering) and Dr. Science (Tech.) degree in Microelectronics in 2001 after being 10 years in industry. She is Full Professor in Technical Physics and Microelectronics Research Unit's leader. Her group focuses on electronics materials for novel ICT electronics, especially HF applications, functional materials, structures and nanotechnology and printed electronics devices. In 2012-2020 she is devoted to her ERC Advanced Grant and two ERC POC projects. She holds over 75 national and international patents and has over 284 scientific journal publications and h-index 40, ISI Web of Science on the 4th of April 2022 (Google Scholar: h-index 49). She is an Academician of the World Academy of Ceramics. She has received Nokia Foundation’s Recognition Award, Finnish Science Award and Innovation Award for Women, and is International Chair Professor of TaipeiTech, and Honorary Doctor of the University of Linköping, Sweden. She was Research Council member the Academy of Finland (2010-2015) and General Chair of the Scientific Advisory Board of Finnish Defence (2013-2018). She is also the leader of Printed Intelligence Infrastructure (PII, funded by the Academy of Finland) being on the Finland’s roadmap.

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