More Stamina

A gamified digital health solution for people with Multiple Sclerosis.

Project information

Project duration


Funded by

Business Finland

Project coordinator

University of Oulu

Contact information

Project leader

Project description

More Stamina is a self-management tool designed to help people with MS manage their energy. The app uses wearable sensors and contextual information to generate personalized recommendations, so that people with MS can learn how to better manage and have a better quality of life. The anonymized data it collects is also used to explore hidden patterns and characteristics of living with MS, so that new ways of helping patients can be developed.

The More Stamina project is a research to business action that focuses on the challenges faced by digital health solutions, exploring their potential value for patients and healthcare providers alike. With a multidisciplinary team, the project aims to set up a feasible frame for commercializing of such solutions either as a service for patients, working hand in hand with pharmaceutical companies or using a mix of business models.

We are exploring how digital health solutions can survive beyond “laboratory” conditions. Most digital health innovations are either grant-funded projects that end as soon as the funding is over, or are developed by startups barely making ends meet. Our project wants to answer two key questions: “how do we integrate these solutions into the healthcare system?” and “how can these solutions become self-sustainable?».

More info here.