
The research group develops and evaluates new methods and related factors in acute and critical care.


Research group information

Contact information

Research group leader

Research group description

The research group develops and evaluates new methods and related factors in acute and critical care.

The focus is on digitization and value-based healthcare.

We provide and synthesize well-reached information to support decision-making, management by knowledge, and working practices.

Preclinical and clinical research include laboratory-, intervention- register-, survey- and qualitative research. The research utilizes the patient-specific health outcomes, as well as patient experience and cost data to support value-based healthcare. The research utilizes also ‒meta-analysis and -aggregation, content analysis, psychometrically validated instruments (VBQ, VBOS), physiological parameters, and machine learning-based methods.
Evaluation includes experimental (RCT), comparative, observational, and descriptive research designs.

The research group consists of multidisciplinary experts working in Finnish and international companies, hospitals, universities, and research organizations.