Krista Tuohimaa

University Teacher, Doctoral Researcher
development of speech, language social communication in children with hearing loss

Faculty of Humanities

Krista Tuohimaa

I am a University Teacher and a Doctoral Researcher in the Research Unit of Logopedics and the Child Language Research Center at the Univeristy of Oulu, Finland. I am working currently on my doctoral study focusing on the development of social communication in children with congenital hearing loss. My other fields of interest are the development of listening skills, speech, language, reading and writing in children with hearing loss. I work part-time as a speech and language therapist in a private practice.

Research interests

  • speech, language, social communication, reading and writing in children with hearing loss
  • listening skills

Researcher information

Contact information


Phone number

+358 50 591 7807

Postal address

Research Unit of Logopedics
Faculty of Humanities
Po.Box 1000, 90014 Oulun yliopisto