Sedentary behavior in middle-aged adults: Measurement method development and associations with lipid and glucose metabolism

Thesis event information

Date and time of the thesis defence

Place of the thesis defence

P117, Aapistie 5A, University of Oulu

Topic of the dissertation

Sedentary behavior in middle-aged adults: Measurement method development and associations with lipid and glucose metabolism

Doctoral candidate

Master of Health Sciences Petra Tjurin

Faculty and unit

University of Oulu Graduate School, Faculty of Medicine, Research Unit of Health Sciences and Technology

Subject of study

Medical Physics and Technology


Professor Jukka Jurvelin, University of Eastern Finland


Professor Timo Jämsä, University of Oulu

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Reduction of sedentary behavior is associated with better lipid and glucose metabolism in middle-aged adults

The doctoral dissertation by Master of Health Sciences Petra Tjurin, which will be examined at the University of Oulu, shows that a high daily sedentary time, i.e. time spent in sitting and lying still, and prolonged sedentary bouts were associated with reduced lipid metabolism in middle-aged adults. Replacement of sedentary time and prolonged sedentary bouts with at least light physical activity was associated to more favorable glucose metabolism. The association was more intense if the sedentary behavior was replaced by moderate-to-vigorous physical activity. The study developed a new machine learning method that could better distinguish sedentary behavior and physical activity from the signal produced by the activity monitor.

The doctoral dissertation examined the associations of the sedentary behavior and sitting characteristics identified by the machine learning method with the blood lipid and glucose levels. The study included more than 5,800 subjects participating in a 46-year follow-up study of the Northern Finland birth cohort 1966 in years 2012–2014. The participants filled extensive health-related questionnaires, participated in various health studies, and carried an accelerometer-based activity monitor on the hip for two weeks.

Recommendations for health-enhancing physical activity encourage adults to engage in moderate-to-vigorous physical activity for at least 150 minutes a week, but according to this dissertation, a significant proportion of middle-aged Finnish adults do not meet the physical activity recommendation. In addition, middle-aged adults spend most of their time being sedentary regardless of the level of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity. Based on the results of this dissertation, a high daily sedentary time and prolonged sedentary bouts were associated with reduced lipid metabolism.

“Particularly, the least physically active individuals can easily improve cardiometabolic health by replacing sedentary time and prolonged sedentary bouts with light physical activity, but also people meeting the health-enhancing physical activity guidelines benefit from reducing sedentary time. Even replacing small amounts of sedentary time and prolonged sedentary bouts with light physical activity can enhance glucose metabolism and improve cardiometabolic health. The results of the study encourage to substitute sedentary time and prolonged sedentary bouts by any intensity physical activity, but the health benefits are greater when sedentary time is substituted by moderate-to-vigorous physical activity,” says the doctoral candidate.
Last updated: 23.1.2024