
The main events of the Conferment Ceremony will be celebrated during three days, starting from Friday and lasting until Sunday. These days will fit in several different kinds of events and countless emotional and memorable moments.

Schedule of the Conferment Ceremony

Please notice that this is only preliminary schedule and changes may appear.

More precise schedule will be published later. The final schedule and programme will be send to all registered participants.

Friday 17.5.2024

At 1pm to 3pm Rehearsals, Saalastinsali Hall, University of Oulu

The Doctoral Conferment Ceremony rehearsals are meant for Young and Honorary doctors. Address: Pentti Kaiteran katu 1, Oulu.
Dress code: casual, no sword nor hat needed
Time and place: at 13.00 at Saalastinsali Hall.

Please be seated in your own place in Saalastinsali by 1 pm. The seating has been send to you by mail.

At 6 pm Cocktails for Honorary Doctors, Hotel Lasaretti

Cocktail reception is only for Honorary Doctors, Rector, Conferrers of the Degrees, and Officiants

At 7 pm to 12 pm Sword Whetting Ceremony, Hotel Lasaretti

Dress code: see Dress code: sword-whetting

Saturday 18.5.2024

Note! All Young Doctors are requested to arrive by 8.45 am to bring their hat and sword. All invited guests are requested to be seated by 11.50 am.

At 8.45 am to 11 am compulsory Rehearsals, Saalastinsali Hall, University of Oulu

The Conferment Ceremony rehearsals are meant for Young Doctors and Honorary Doctors. Address: Pentti Kaiteran katu 1, Oulu.

At 12.00 am to 3 pm Doctoral Conferment Ceremony, Saalastinsali Hall, University of Oulu

Dress code for all Saturdays events so far: see Dress code: Conferment Ceremony
Time and place: at 8.45 in Saalastinsali Hall, bus transportation from university to the city center after the ceremony

At 3.30 pm Procession to the Oulu Cathedral
At 4 pm to 5 pm Service (ecumenical), Oulu Cathedral

The service in Oulu Cathedral is ecumenical, and it is possible to participate in it as an observer regardless of one's personal beliefs. However, if you don’t find it comfortable participating the service, you may leave the procession in front of the church.

At 7 pm to 3.45 am Conferment Banquet and Ball, Foodoo Garden, Linnanmaa campus

See Conferment Ball rehearsals
Dress code: see Dress code: Conferment banquet and ball

You can have your picture taken by professional photographer in this event (payment on one's own account).

Sunday 19.5.2024

At 12:00 noon Sailing Trip, Maikkula Mansion

Sailing trip is meant for oung octors, honorary doctors, rector and conferment ceremony committee.

Bus transportation from Market Square (in front of Oulu Theatre) to Maikkula Mansion at 11.30

Playful rowing competition on the Oulu river, live music, dancing, coffee
Dress code: casual, "student cap" or equivalent

Bus transportation from Maikkula Mansion to Market Square (in front of Oulu Theatre) at 4 pm