Responsible research

The University of Oulu promotes open and responsible science, responsible conduct of research, sustainable development, equality and non-discrimination in research, and responsible research assessment.
We follow the responsible conduct of research, the principles that are endorsed by the research community, that is, integrity, meticulousness, and accuracy in conducting research, and in recording, presenting, and assessing the research results.
We promote sustainable development in all our research activities and take into account its ecological, cultural, social and economic dimension.
We are committed to freedom of scientific research and to promote open access to research knowledge.
We take into account the implementation of gender equality and diversity in the composition of research groups and research decision-making. We improve the scientific quality and the societal relevance of the produced knowledge, technology and innovation by integrating gender analysis in research content.
We are committed, by signing the Finnish Declaration for Open Science and Research 2020–2025, to
- promote openness as a fundamental value throughout the research community and its activities
- strengthen societal knowledge base and innovation
- improve the quality of scientific and artistic research outputs and the educational resources based on them, and the fluid mobility and impact of research outputs throughout society.
We are committed, by signing the DORA Declaration, to the development of research assessment and responsible use of metrics. When assessing research, we take into account the value of all research results as well as a wide range of different indicators, including qualitative indicators such as the impact on society.
We support the goals of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) to bring together open science data services and data produced in the EU to make the use of services and the sharing of research results as simple and easy as possible.
Accepted 9.2.2021.
The University of Oulu promotes the open use of knowledge both in scientific research and in society. It means striving for transparency and accessibility of scientific publications, research data, infrastructures and educational materials.