Faculty of Technology

The Faculty of Technology operates in all the strategical focus areas of research at the University of Oulu. Researchers have active collaboration with companies, research institutes and public sector. External funding forms more than half of the total budget of the Faculty.

Research communities
We participate in the global, national and regional enhancement of wellbeing through our seven research communities. The communities are cross-disciplinary and represent main research themes of the Faculty of Technology. Research communities serve as Knowledge Hubs for Academic Research, Business and RTOs.
Research Units
There are 12 Research Units at the Faculty of Technology. The units do high quality research in collaboration with various stakeholders and share the latest research knowledge for students in courses. In addition, research units collaborate actively with each other and have formed cross-disciplinary, wider Research communities (above) to promote discussion and development of new ideas with scientists of different fields and industrial stakeholders.
Please, visit individual Research Units´ websites below.
Oulu School of Architecture
Oulu Mining School
Intelligent Machines and Systems
Materials and Mechanical Engineering
Fibre and Particle Engineering
Environmental and Chemical Engineering
Sustainable Chemistry
Process Metallurgy
Water, Energy and Environmental Engineering
Industrial Engineering and Management
Civil Engineering
Chemical Process Engineering
At the Faculty seven fields of education are represented and experts trained in architecture, engineering and natural sciences. Also Open University education is available. Study entities include multiform learning, online courses and modular study structures. We invest in quality and promote smooth studying progress and on-time graduation. Educational co-operation is done with other higher education institutions.
See more information on education websites here