Ask about traineeship support -pop up in Career Centre

Are you thinking about doing a traineeship in Finland? Did you know that Talent Boost -programme at the University of Oulu co-funds international degree students’ traineeships in Finland? Pop in Career Centre and ask about the traineeship support!

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Talent Boost -programme at the University of Oulu co-funds international degree students’ traineeships in Finland. The support is paid as a financial compensation to the employer who pays the student's salary.

Pop in Career Centre 28th of February at 13-14:30 and ask about the traineeship support – we will gladly answer your questions!

  • What is Talent Boost -traineeship support and who is it for?
  • What are the criteria for applying?
  • How to apply for the traineeship support?

Read more: Support for traineeship in Finland | University of Oulu.

Further information, Councelling Services: opiskeluntuki(at)

Last updated: 21.2.2024