CALL FOR PAPERS - After Crises: Diversity and Dialogue - 18th ETMU Conference


After Crises: Diversity and Dialogue - 18th ETMU Conference

2-3 December 2021

University of Oulu, Finland

Deadline for paper proposals: 30 June 2021
18th ETMU Conference

Event information


Thu 02.12.2021 09:00 - Fri 03.12.2021 16:00

Venue location

University of Oulu, Finland

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After Crises: Diversity and Dialogue - 18th ETMU Conference

2-3 December 2021

University of Oulu, Finland

Deadline for paper proposals: 30 June 2021

Conference rationale:

The 18th ETMU Conference After Crises: Diversity and Dialogue focuses on what happens after a crisis – such as a pandemic, an environmental crisis, conflicts between nation-states, and forced migrations – from the viewpoint of migration, minorities, and indigenous peoples. We also invite scholars to critically examine how crises are constructed in public and academic discussions.

Crisis rhetoric can create moral categories that differentiate between those who are full citizens, those who are in need of help during crises, and those who are to blame for it. Thus, the rhetoric of crisis may enable states and groups to claim authority that they would not have in normal circumstances and legitimate the use of divisive political powers. Crises can also bring into relief structures that reproduce inequality locally and globally. The ETMU conference provides a space for analysing how crises have affected migration and other forms of mobilities, as well as meanings attached to crises during different time periods.

It is also important to note that crises can bring people together and create new solidarities between groups, as they strive to resolve the crisis together. Therefore, we invite scholars to imagine new forms of dialogue and diversity in the context of crises. How do crises shape the hierarchies of global mobilities? How do those who have fled a crisis adapt to new environments? Is it possible to imagine new types of communities after the crisis? How can indigenous people be better included in the new forms of community? What can we learn from crises?

The preliminary conference programme can be viewed at:

Confirmed keynote speakers:

Professor Mulki Al-Sharmani (University of Helsinki)

Associate Professor Nick Baron (University of Nottingham)

Dr. Lucy Mayblin (University of Sheffield)

Paper submission:

The workshops listed below have been accepted in the conference programme. The organisers are now soliciting papers for these workshops. The abstracts describing the contents of each workshop can be found at: The closing date for paper proposals is 30 June 2021.

The workshops are held either on-site only, online only, or as hybrid meetings. The hybrid meetings will be divided into online or on-site sessions. You can also participate in the online workshops from your own laptop at the conference site. However, please note that the organisers are closely following the Covid-19 situation and may decide to hold the event entirely online. Please submit your paper abstract of max. 2,500 characters using the online submission form

You may also submit a paper abstract without selecting any of the accepted workshops. In this case, choose the appropriate option in the drop-down list on the submission form.


For more information, please contact the organizers at and visit the conference website at

Last updated: 21.5.2021