Drone demonstration
You are welcome to visit the Arctic Drone Labs, explore their fleet, watch drone demonstrations and have an opportunity to operate a drone! The event is part of ongoing ESF funded Dronemaster project, which creates a web training course to operate drones.

Event information
Tue 07.06.2022 12:00 - 16:00
Venue location
Linnanmaa, Oulun ammattikorkeakoulu, Yliopistokatu 9 OAMK Main entrance, Auditorio Valkama 5D201
Welcome and coffee, Vadim Kramar Dronemaster project and Arctic Drone Labs
Dronemaster project, learning opportunities for Drone enthusiastic
Practicalities of the event
Instructions for Drone demonstration, Henry Hinkula Main Operator
Drone demonstration
Registration latest on 1st June https://link.webropolsurveys.com/S/C5E3D263A32C2770
Dronemaster: https://www.dronemaster.fi/course/
Arctic Drone Labs: https://www.arcticdronelabs.com/our-fleet
Contact person: Pirjo Rousu
Tel: +358 50 573 4763
Email: pirjo.rousu@oulu.fi
Last updated: 25.5.2022