ETHICS FORUM What Does Artificial Intelligence Have to Do with Your Research?

HI Ethics Forum is a new venue for dealing with the ethical aspects of research with and in artificial intelligence. This seminar is the launch for this bimonthly event series. The seminar will tackle core ethical questions in AI-related research, providing means for researchers to carry out their research in ethical ways as well as providing insight and understanding to the ethical dilemmas related to AI.
An image of northern lights interposed with a projected AI brain
What Does Artificial Intelligence Have to Do with Your Research?

Event information



Venue location

Tellus Stage

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Monday November 27, 2023, at 12.00–15.00
Tellus Stage, Linnanmaa Campus, University of Oulu, Finland


Opening Words
Jouni-Matti Kuukkanen, Professor of Philosophy, Director of Eudaimonia Institute, University of Oulu


From Ethical Abstraction to Research Practices
Susanne Uusitalo, Senior Researcher in Ethics of AI, University of Oulu


Coffee break


Do we need a specific AI Research Ethics in Finland?
Simo Kyllönen, University Lecturer in Research Ethics and Open Science,
University of Helsinki and member of the Finnish National Board on Research Integrity (TENK)


A Researcher’s View: the case of open data and methods
Leo Lahti, Professor in Data Science and research integrity advisor,
University of Turku; vice chair of the national coordination on open science; member of the International Science Council's CODATA Data Ethics task group.


General discussion with the speakers as panelists

The seminar is open for all, welcome!

Organized by HI Ethics Forum in connection with Hybrid Intelligence: Human-AI Co-evolution and Learning and Eudaimonia Institute, University of Oulu

Contact information: Susanne Uusitalo, susanne.uusitalo(a)

Last updated: 16.11.2023