FibroHealth Symposium 2024: Bridge over Obesity – From Science to Practice
Welcome to exploring cutting-edge research and therapeutic advancements in obesity treatment with esteemed speakers, interactive poster sessions, and insightful discussions.
Event information
Venue location
Leena Palotie Auditorium 101A, Aapistie 5A
Time: 26 November 2024, full day event
Location: Leena Palotie Hall, Aapistie 5A, University of Oulu
Remote connection is available for registered participants.
Registration: Free of charge, deadline November 17
08:30-09:00 Registration and coffee
09:00-09:10 Welcoming words by organizers
Current therapeutic options for obesity
09:10-09:40 “Current clinical treatment of obesity” by Keynote speaker Prof Kirsi Pietiläinen (University of Helsinki)
09:40-10:00 “Pharmacology of anti-obesity drugs” by Prof Eriika Savontaus (University of Turku)
10:00-10:30 Coffee & posters
10:30-10:50 “Quality of diet in weight management - is there room for gut mediated health impact?” by Prof Marjukka Kolehmainen (University of Eastern Finland)
10:50-11:10 “Should anti-obesity pharmacotherapies be publicly funded?” by Doc Outi Salminen (COHERE, Ministry of Social Affairs and Health)
11:10-11:30 Patient story by Ulla Brandt
11:30-11:45 FASO doctoral thesis award presentation 2023
11:45-12:00 FPS doctoral thesis award presentation 2023
12:00-13:15 Lunch (at own cost) & Annual autumn meetings of FASO and FPS (meeting rooms 487B and F302 or remote participation; for members, lunch provided)
The development of new therapeutics
13:15-13:35 “The effects of psychedelics in binge eating-like behavior in mice” by Doc Teemu Aitta-aho (University of Helsinki)
13:35-13:55 “Beneficial effects of lingonberry supplementation on low-grade inflammation in obesity” by MSc Riitta Ryyti (University of Tampere)
13:55-14:10 Abstract-based short talk #1
14:10-14:45 Coffee & posters
14:45-15:05 “Targeting human brown adipose tissue” by Assoc Prof Kirsi Virtanen (University of Turku)
15:05-15:25 “Targeting mitochondrial dysfunction in white adipose tissue” by Assoc Prof Eija Pirinen (University of Oulu)
15:25-15:45 “Environmental chemicals and their metabolic effects” by Prof Jaana Rysä (University of Eastern Finland)
15:45-16:00 Abstract-based short talk #2
16:00-16:15 Abstract-based short talk #3
16:15-16:20 Conclusions (organizers)
19:00- Conference dinner (Theatre Restaurant Aulis, Kaarlenväylä 2 90100 Oulu) and the Young Investigator Prizes based on abstract presentations. Registration required, no fee.
Oral and poster presentations
Short talks and poster presentations will be selected from abstracts, allowing researchers to present their exciting research. The best oral and poster presentation will be awarded the Young Investigator Prize. You can shape the final program by submitting an abstract now!
Abstract submission guidelines
The deadline for abstract submission is 31.10. The abstract should be written in English, on one A4 page, single line-spacing, Arial font size 11, submitted as one-page pdf file. The presentations and discussions will be held in English.
Title of the abstract (Boldface; please avoid capital letter style)
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Authors (presenting author underlined)
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The Departments/Institutes of the authors
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Abstract body text - with or without subtitles
Register Now – Secure Your Spot!
The deadline for registration to the symposium and dinner is 17.11.
Organizing committee:
Chair: Eija Pirinen, University of Oulu
Eriika Savontaus, University of Turku
Johanna Magga, University of Oulu
Essi Erkkilä, University of Oulu
Ritva Saastamoinen, University of Oulu
Further information and contact for enquiries: