How AI is changing the way we work, teach, and learn?

In an era of digital disruption, AI has already changed and will continue to change the way we work, teach, and learn. The Lightning Bites will discuss AI from a variety of perspectives and its implications for e.g. course design, the future of work, the student experience, campus environments, and cities. We challenge participants to think what we can do now to make the transition easier.

The UNIC CityLabs 'Lightning Bites' series will offer 30-minute lightning talks on artificial intelligence in September.

Event information


Mon 11.09.2023 14:30 - Wed 13.09.2023 15:30

Venue location


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Mon September 11

02.30-03.00 pm Prof. Gilles Louppe, University of Liège
"AI Basics"

03.00-03.30 pm Michele Murgia, Erasmus University Rotterdam
"Better AI for Academia"

Tue September 12

02.30-03.00 pm Dr. Jari Laru (Ph.D, M.Ed.), University of Oulu
"AI Literacy"

03.00-03.30 pm Dr. Ferah Özer, Koç University
"Embedding ChatGPT"

Wed September 13

02.30-03.00 p.m. Discussion facilitated by the University of Zagreb: "Open Discussion on AI"

03.00-03.30 pm Dr. Martina Philippi, Ruhr University Bochum
"AI Ethics"

The Lightning Bites will be delivered via Zoom. Registration required.

Last updated: 21.8.2023