How to get started with your Master’s Thesis

The Information Processing Science Degree Programme is organizing an event to help you with the thesis process.
What: How get started with your Master’s thesis

Event information



Venue location

Option 1: Classroom session 13:00 IT138 Option 2: Zoom session 14:30 Zoom:

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Dear Student,

Do you feel overwhelmed with getting started with your Master’s thesis?

The Information Processing Science Degree Programme is organizing an event to help you with the thesis process.

What: How get started with your Master’s thesis - topics include:

  • What is a Master’s thesis in your study programme: examples on types of thesis, methods and previously done topics
  • How to find a supervisor
  • How to identify a topic from your work place
  • How to get started with thesis work
  • Q&A

When: Tuesday, September 27th

Option 1: Classroom session 13:00 IT138

Option 2: Zoom session 14:30 Zoom:

Both session have the same content

Best Regards,

Elina Annanperä (PhD)

Degree Programme Director in Information Processing Science

University Lecturer

Last updated: 16.9.2022