
Hurmos is a joint opening event of the Student Union of the University of Oulu (OYY), the Student Union of Oulu University of Applied Sciences (OSAKO) and the O'Diakon student union of Diakonia University of Applied Sciences.

Event information



Venue location

Linnanmaan kampus / Kuusisaari

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The Hurmos Day starts on Thursday 7th of September at the Linnanmaa campus, where various student organisations, businesses and companies present their activities, offer benefits and organise activities.

Along with touring the display stands, the programme includes:

12.30-17.30, once in an hour: Aftermovie - Formula Students – Tellus Stage

From 12 to 14: Basketball free throwing challenge – Oulu’s NMKY – on the square in front of Oamk's main entrance

At 13 and 14: Bingo at Humus cafe – Humanistinen kilta – Humus-cafe

From 13 to 15: Spray painting workshop – Oulu Street Art Ry - on the square in front of Oamk's main entrance

From 12 to 17: Queering the map – Ooka ry – close to OSAKO’s stand

From 12 to 17: Story creation game – Cryo – close to OYY’s stand

From 12 to 17, starting every hour: Short technique school for basketball – Oulu’s NMKY – on the square in front of Oamk's main entrance

At 14: Short concert – Oulun Teekkarikuoro TeeKu ry – Orange coat racks

At 14:30: Concert – Teekkaritorvet – Orange coat racks

At 15:30: Concert – Cassiopeia – Orange coat racks

There will be a bus ride from the Kontinkangas campus to the Linnanmaa campus and back during the event. The bus ride and participation in the event is free!


11:30, 12:30, 13:30 Kontinkangas P

11:35, 12:35, 13:35 Rauhanyhdistys E

11:45, 12:45, 13:45 Pekuri P

12:00, 13:00, 14:00 Yliopisto

The Hurmos festival takes place at Kuusisaari on Friday 8 September.

Detailed schedules and more information can be found from Hurmos' Tuudo channel and homepage.

Last updated: 6.9.2023