InnoWebinar: How to choose a business name – brand as the business idea

Event information
Wed 26.02.2025 15:00 - 16:00
A good company name must encapsulate the business idea and inspire customer trust. The name helps the business stand out from the competition and provides an opportunity to build a strong brand. However, choosing a company name is not just about finding a good name that doesn’t already show up in search engines.
Failure to choose the right company name can lead to wasted time, financial losses, and even liability for infringing on another entrepreneur’s intellectual property rights. The process of selecting a company name should begin well in advance of establishing the business, and the name should be carefully protected.
Join the InnoWebinar hosted by Jouni Hynynen, an IPR expert, author, and Team Finland Growth and Internationalization Coordinator at the Central Finland ELY Center.
In 2023, Hynynen published the book (in Finnish) "Kuinka yrityksen nimi valitaan" based on thousands of client cases.
Welcome! No pre-registration required! The webinar will be held in English.
A similar webinar will be held in Finnish on 20th February 2025 at 10-11 am.