Keep on rolling - join StayActive Spring event!

How to learn and feel better? Why is physical activity beneficial for your studying? Learn and be ready to put theory into practice!

Event information


Wed 03.04.2024 14:00 - 17:00



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We start our Spring session by discussing efficient studying and study well-being. After an indoors session at Botanical Gardens, we will hop on our bikes and head for a guided fatbike-tour in Linnanmaa near-by surroundings. We then will end the day over coffee and buns.

The event is free for all international students of Oulu University and University of Applied Sciences, but please register here. Please notice that by registering you commit to participate in the event as we will book the bikes according to the number of registered participants!

The last day of registration is 25.3.2024. The maximum number of participants is 20. We will send participants a reminder email with instructions before the event, but please save the date on your calendars already now!

Hope to see you there!

Event: Study skills and fatbiking

Place: Botanical Gardens and Linnamaa area

Time: 3rd April 2024 14-17.00

Questions? Dont hesitate to contact or

Last updated: 11.3.2024