Kontinkangas Research Infrastructure Day
The event will take place on two Thursday afternoons on 17.3. & 24.3.2022 at Palotie sali (auditorium 101A), Aapistie 5A, in the main building of Kontinkangas Campus.
Event information
Thu 17.03.2022 00:00 - Thu 24.03.2022 15:45
Venue location
Palotie sali (auditorium 101A), Aapistie 5A, in the main building of Kontinkangas Campus.
Please register via this link InfraDay by Friday 11.3.2022 at the latest.
There will be coffee served on the afternoon break for registered participants.
Thursday, 17.3.2022
12:00-12:10 Opening: Lauri Eklund
Session 1, Chair: Jukka Hakkola
12:10-12:25 Laboratory animals services (OULAC, Hanna-Marja Voipio)
12:25-12:40 Generation and analysis of transgenic mice (BCO, Reetta Hinttala)
12:40-12:55 Proteomics and protein analysis (BCO, Lloyd Ruddock)
12:55-13:05 Echocardiography (FMed, Risto Kerkelä)
13:05-13:15 Metabolism cages (FMed, Karl-Heinz Herzig)
13:15-13:25 IVIS in vivo imaging system (BCO, OULAC, Linda Birgisdottir)
13:25-13:35 Flexivent respiratory function (FBMM, Tapio Röning)
13:35-14:00 Break
Session 2, Chair: Simo Saarakkala
14:00-14:15 Advanced light microscopy (BCO, Veli-Pekka Ronkainen)
14:15-14:30 Electron microscopy (BCO, Ilkka Miinalainen)
14:30-14:45 Computed tomography and x-ray microscopy (FMed, Mikko Finnilä)
14:45-14:55 Incucyte live cell imaging (Fmed, Sanna Palosaari)
Clinical cohorts, bio- and databanks
14:55-15:10 Borealis Biobank (FMed, Raisa Serpi)
15:10-15:25 Northern Finland Birth Cohorts/Arctic Biobank (FMed, Minna Ruddock)
15:25-15:40 Discussion
Academy of Finland’s “Local Infrastructures” call
Thursday, 24.3.2022
12:00-12:10 Opening: Lauri Eklund
Session 3, Chair: Seppo Vainio
12:10-12:25 DNA/RNA sequencing (BCO, Katri Pylkäs)
12:25-12:40 Histological techniques (FMed, Katja Porvari)
12:40-12:55 Biocomputing (BCO, Andre Juffer)
12:55-13:10 Structural biology (BCO, Lari Lehtiö)
13:10-13:20 Optical genome mapping (FMed, Tuomo Mantere)
13:20-13:30 Optical tweezers (FBMM, Jeena Ainikkal Velayudhan)
13:30-14:00 Break
Session 4, Chair: Caglar Elbuken
14:00-14:15 Viral gene vectors (BCO, Aki Manninen)
14:15-14:25 Fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FMed, Virpi Glumoff)
14:25-14:35 Electrophysiology lab (FMed, Esa-Ville Immonen)
14:35-14:45 Single cell (sc) technologies and scRNAseq (FBMM, Jane Chen)
14:45-14:55 Induced pluripotent stem cells (FMed, Salla Kangas)
14:55-15:05 Hypoxia workstation (FBMM, Antti Salo)
15:05-15:15 Seahorse metabolic assay (FMed, Eija Pirinen)
Admistration & Management
15:15-15:25 iLab management software (BCO, Pirkko Huhtala)
15:25 - 15:45 Discussion