MegaMatchmaking recruitment event

MegaMatchmaking recruitment event brings together local job seekers and employers once again.

Event information


Thu 14.09.2023 09:00 - 15:00

Venue location

Tullisali in Oulu (Tyrnäväntie 16)

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Get inspired by the talks, meet employers live, network, and find employment!

This year, we are bringing back the event to make it even better and more spectacular. Featuring about 100 companies, and a versatile program, we have a new location this year.

MegaMatchmaking will be held at Tullisali in Oulu (Tyrnäväntie 16) on 14 September from 9 am to 15 pm. See you there!

Check out the participating companies from the event's website: MegaMatchmaking

PS: There is a free bus service from the centre of Oulu to the event. A convenient non-stop bus service will run from Oulu’s city center, connecting Torinranta and Tullisali from 8.45 AM to 3.15 PM. The departure point in Torinranta is Kaarlenväylä.


Career café – Have a cup of coffee while talking to employment and education experts who can give you the best ideas for seeking jobs and educating yourself further, as well as offer feedback on your CV.

CV photo shoot – We also have a CV photo booth where job seekers can have a professional photographer take their CV photo for free.

Stage 2

9:30 – 10:15
The importance of Networking & personal branding
Lukumanu Inddrisu

10:30 – 11:15
Understanding the working culture – What makes Finland and Finns different?
Paul Fairchild

12:00 – 12:40
What kind of employees Finland needs?
Pia Klemetti

13:00 – 14:00
Panel Discussion
Pekka Paurola, Bar1
Sari Päivärinta, OP Financial Group
Shefat Islam, BusinessOulu
Arek Cwiek, Osuuskauppa Arina

Hosted by Kamal Singh, ELY Centre

Last updated: 11.9.2023