Nokia - Elisa Student Network Challenge 2023
You are welcome to collect a team of 2-4 persons and join the light-weight afternoon hackathon!

Event information
Tue 28.11.2023 13:00 - 16:30
Venue location
Tellus Stage
Challenges available:
- Network as a Code
- Smart City and Smart Society
The best performing teams will be awarded! Please register your team here.
Student network challenge will take place at Tellus Stage on Tuesday 28th Nov between 13.00-16.30.
Before the hackathon, you are welcome to have a chat with Nokia and Elisa and learn about career opportunities in companies! Nokia's and Elisa's company visit will take place in front of the Career Centre at 10-13.
10.30–13.00: Nokia and Elisa company visit @ Career Centre
13.00–16.30: Student Network Challenge 2023
13.20.-13.30: Challenges introduction
- Snacks and soft drinks -
13.30-15.30: Teamwork
15.30- 16.30: Presentations & real time judging
16.30- : Final ceremony and closing
Last updated: 27.11.2023