Event information
Tue 10.06.2025 - Wed 11.06.2025
Venue location
Pentti Kaiteran katu 1
The OPPIVA 2025 conference website
Preliminary information about the conference
Keynote speakers
1. Professor Silke Göbel, University of York, UK
2. A second keynote speaker, nominated by FinEd, will be announced later.
Presentations and language of the conference
The conference will include paper and poster sessions.
Paper sessions consist of 15–20-minute oral presentations of 4-5 papers, followed by a discussion with the audience. Each session will be moderated by the assigned chair.
Poster sessions consist of multiple posters where participants walk around and discuss with the presenters.
The language of the conference is English, but for the purpose of inclusivity, the presentation may also be delivered in Finnish, provided that the slides (or posters) are in English.
Abstract submission
Abstract submission for the OPPIVA 2025 is open on the conference website from February 11th until April 11th, 2025.