Pegasus Library Christmas event

Take part in decorating the Christmas tree, enjoy live music and make bargains at the used book sale!

Event information



Venue location

Pegasus Library

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Pegasus Library will be filled with Christmas atmosphere on Thursday, December 1, from 9:00 to 15:00. The event venue is the lobby on the ground floor of the library.

  • Used books, glögg and Christmas pastries on sale for a small fee. Payment with cash or MobilePay.
  • Live Christmas music at 10-11 and 12-13: Leo Loueranta (guitar) & Iida-Marja Kleine (vocals).
  • Take part in decorating the library’s Christmas tree: draw or write your own Christmas greetings.


Organized by Oulu University Library & University of Oulu Library Professionals Association

Last updated: 28.11.2022