Student of educational science, teacher education or humanities! Welcome to Career Afternoon 3rd March at 14-16.00!

Are you looking for a traineeship place? Summer job? Are you close to graduation? Unsure about your future, or in need for tips for your career?

Event information


Thu 03.03.2022 14:00 - 16:00

Venue location

University of Oulu, Tellus Backstage

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Welcome to Career Afternoon on 3rd March 2022, at 14-16.00 at Tellus Backstage!

Experts and speakers from working life will give you ideas on

  • alternative career paths
  • future needs and demands for teachers and early childhood education professionals,
  • recruiting and internship search tips
  • knowledge about recruiting processes

The guest speakers of the afternoon are Project Manager Niina Palmu, Director and Head Teacher Anne Moilanen, Day-Care Centre Director Elina Väisänen, Monetra's recruiting expert Minna Ponto and

Executive Director of Oulun Juhlaviikot, Pia Alatorvinen.

Much more information also at Info stands;

bring your CV for a Career Centre check up, get to know about the connection between learning and moving or find out about entrepreneurship as a future possibility.

All of the speakers use both Finnish and English, so also international students are welcome!

You can listen to our speakers online, but even better, if you can make it face-to-face. No pre-registeration!

So pop in, have a cup of coffee or tea, pick up your survival package for everyday wellbeing and get top tips for your career!

Any questions:

See you there!

Last updated: 17.2.2022