Tekniikan torstai-seminar: Trees with many purposes

Event information
Thu 29.09.2022 08:30 - 10:30
Venue location
Tellus Innovation Arena, Backstage & Online
High quality research in different subareas of bioeconomy have been done at the University of Oulu, Faculty of Technology, together with companies and research institutes for over many decades.
Now researchers open up the results of their projects and present connections to the current major trends. For example, we will hear more about projects operating under Business Finland funded Business/Veturi Ecosystems, lead by the large international companies.
The chairperson of the event is Kaisa Still, Key Account Manager of the University of Oulu.
Register to the event here
The main language of the event is Finnish, but some speeches as well all materials are presented in English.
You are warmly welcome to this interesting seminar!
Opening words
Session 1: Selluloosa tulevaisuuden biotuotteissa / Cellulose in the future bioproducts
SUSBINCO – Sustainable Binders and Coatings (BF Expand Veturi -ohjelma)
Prof. Henrikki Liimatainen, Leader of Fiber and Particle Engineering research unit
ValCel – Value for Cellulosics (BF Expand Veturi -ohjelma)
Terhi Suopajärvi, Senior Researcher, Fiber and Particle Engineering research unit
Session 2: Biomassasta fossiilisia raaka-aineita korvaavia tuotteita / Biomass-based products used to replace fossil raw materials
Kuusen kuoren tanniinista koagulantteja vedenpuhdistukseen
Tiina Leiviskä, University Researcher, Chemical Process Engineering-research unit
CaSH - Catalytic Slurry Hydrotreatment (BF Veturi -ohjelma: Novel sustainable & scalable solutions for transportation and chemicals)
Juha Ahola, University Lecturer, Chemcial Process Engineering- research unit
Session 3: Mathematical modeling in the development of integrated biorefinery concepts: case BioSPRINT
Matemaattinen mallinnus integroidun biojalostamokonseptin kehittämisessä: case BioSPRINT
Markku Ohenoja, Postdoctoral Researcher, Environmental and Chemical Engineering-research unit
From organic waste to valuables – BioDigi
Satu Ojala, University Researcher, Environmental and Chemical Engineering-research unit
Session 4: Biomassan jalostus furfuraalipohjaisiksi tuotteiksi / A refinement of biomass to produce furfural-based products
A case-study, Koneen Säätiö
Annu Rusanen, Postdoctoral Researcher, Sustainable Chemistry-research unit
Business Finlandin veturiyritysten kumppanuusmallihanke: FurBio
Tuomo Kainulainen, Postdoctoral Researcher, Sustainable Chemistry-research unit
Concluding words
Prof. Henrikki Liimatainen, Leader of Fiber and Particle Engineering-research unit