TgK HiTech Stopped-flow Training Event

Stopped-flow training event will be organized in January 18-20, 2023 at the Faculty of Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine, University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland. The training event is aimed at providing hands-on training on pre-steady state kinetic measurement of proteins and enzymes with TgK Hi-Tech stopped-flow equipment.
TgK Hi-Tech stopped-flow equipment

Event information



Venue location

Faculty of Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine, University of Oulu, Aapistie 7, Oulu, Finland

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The event will include seminars, demonstrations and hands-on experiments. Time is also reserved for the participants to measure their own samples and for discussions with the experts. As expert speakers, there will be Ganesh Pathmanayagam from TgK Hi-Tech, UK and Dr. Alex Fish from NKI, Netherlands. In addition, Professor Mikael Widersten (University of Uppsala, Sweden) has agreed to give a lecture on using stopped-flow data for understanding enzyme reaction mechanisms. For information, registration and for measurement of own samples contact Tiila Kiema (tiila.kiema(at) by December 4, 2022. The number of participants will be limited to 12. There is no registration fee. Please indicate if you need help with hotel arrangements and assistance for covering the accommodation costs. The training is organized by Dr. Tiila Kiema and Professor Rik Wierenga.

The event is hosted by the Faculty of Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine (FBMM) and Biocenter Oulu and supported by the Instruct-ERIC Center Finland and FINStruct.


The program below is tentative and will evolve according to the needs of the participants.

Wednesday January 18th

Morning session


Ganesh Pathmanayagam, TgK HiTech (tentative title: Principle design of the stopped-flow device, its light-sources, detectors and its software)

Alex Fish, NKI (tentative title: Examples concerning the use of pre-steady state enzyme kinetics for answering research questions

Afternoon session


Demonstrations with the instrument

Thursday January 19th

Morning session


Mikael Widersten, Uppsala University (tentative title: Using pre-steady state enzyme kinetics for understanding and validating the reaction mechanisms of enzymes


Measurement of own/test samples

Afternoon session


Measurement of own/test samples

Friday January 20th

Morning session


Data fitting and data analysis

Alex Fish, NKI


Data fitting and analysis tutorial

Afternoon session


Measurement of own/test samples

Last updated: 11.11.2022