What makes a university international? – #immigrationdialogues
Event information
Thu 03.11.2022 10:00 - 12:30
We would like to invite you to discuss different aspects of what makes a university international, and how we could be more international.
This discussion is part of the Immigration Dialogues series.The objective of this discussion is to build a better understanding of the diverse nature and impacts of internationalization. How is it reflected in our daily life? What kinds of challenges are related to studying and teaching in international degree programmes?
UniOulu and Talent Boost is inviting everyone in our community to participate in this discussion, and we are specifically interested in your personal views and experiences! The aim is not to reach a consensus but to build multi-voiced understanding.
Where and when? On Thursday 3rd of November 10am to 12.30 pm. Event location and more info will be sent later to those who register.
By participating you make an impact!
Summaries of the conversations will be sent to the Ministry and published early 2023. All responses are confidential, and all feedback gathered during the dialogue will be anonymous and used in the comprehensive reform of the Aliens Act and the drafting of Finland’s comprehensive migration policy by the Ministry of the Interior.
The maximum number of participants is 12.