Applying to exchange
Destinations outside of Europe
The next call for applications for exchange destinations outside of Europe is open November 1-20, 2024.
Info session will be organised on Wed, Oct 16 at 15-16.30 in room L4 in Linnanmaa. Destinations available in the call and application instructions will be available in the call for applications which will be published in the beginning of October 2024.
Next calls for applications to Erasmus+ exchanges for Spring term 2024 exchanges will be organised on Sept 15-30, 2023 and for the academic year 2024-2025 on February 1-28, 2024. The calls include Faculty destinations and you can find more information on the destinations and application guidelines specific to your study programme on the Europe destinations page under For You.
The next call for applications to destinations outside Europe will be organised on November 1-20, 2023. More information about the destinations included in this application round will be available in the call for applications published on this page. Please also read the information about the application process below on this page.
Application rounds
There are two application rounds for Erasmus+ and Nordplus exchanges annually:
Feb 1-25 is the first application round for exchanges for the next academic year (Autumn term, Spring term and full academic year exchanges).
Sept 15-30 is the second application round for the upcoming Spring term exchanges for destinations which are left from the first call for applications.
Application process
There are two steps for applying for Erasmus+ or Nordplus -exchanges. First you will have to apply by submitting your application through the SoleMOVE application system. You can find instructions for using SoleMOVE from the SoleMOVE guide. Your faculty’s / degree programme’s international coordinator can help you with application enclosures. Make sure you know what the required documents are. After your SoleMOVE application has been accepted and you have been selected for an Erasmus+ or Nordplus exchange from the University of Oulu, you will need to apply to the host institution according to their guidelines.
Please see the For You -section on Europe page for more information about your faculty’s / degree programme’s Erasmus+ and Nordplus exchange destinations and guidelines. Your faculty’s / degree programmes international coordinator will help you with applying to exchange destinations in Europe.
Application rounds
One call for applications will be organised annually for exchanges outside Europe. The next call for applications will be organised during November 1-20, 2024.
Information of the destinations available, the application instructions and the application process will be available in the Call for applications. Exchange destinations included in the application round are in United States, Canada, Australia, Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, South America, ISEP Program destinations outside Europe and north2north program destinations outside Europe.
Some of the agreements are multidisciplinary and open to all students who find courses in the host university that are suitable for their degree programme at University of Oulu. Some agreements are restricted to only one Faculty or School and available only for students from those Faculties or Schools. Please see the Call for Applications for more information on possible restrictions.
You can find information about the partner universities outside Europe and possible restrictions related to them also from Exchanges Outside Europe page. Please note that the destinations available in each application round are always published in the Call for Applications and may vary annually.
Application process
When applying to exchange destination outside Europe, you need to fill an application form online in SoleMOVE exchange database and participate in the interview. You can find instructions for using SoleMOVE from the SoleMOVE guide. You are required to attach the following documents to you online application (only Word or Pdf formats are accepted):
Selection Process
Selections are done based on academic motivation, motivation towards exchange, language skills and success in studies. In addition to submitting the SoleMove application, eligible students will be interviewed. Interviews are organised as group interviews and students who submitted their application in time and are eligible, will be invited to the interview after the application deadline. Participation in the interview is compulsory and the student's motivation and commitment will be assessed. If a student fails to participate in the interview, it will be considered as a withdrawal from the application process.
Possible cancellations in previous Calls for Applications may weaken the possibilities in the application process.
Selection timeline
After the deadline all applications are evaluated and eligible students are invited to the interviews. Selections are made by a team with members from Academic Affairs and faculties. All applicants are informed about the selection by email. When a selected candidate has confirmed his/her selection in SoleMOVE, the application process continues according to host universities’ application process. The final decision is always made by the host university.
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