Here listed lasers which we have in Biophotonics group.

- pulse energy: 5–6 nJ
- repetition rate: 86 MHz
- pulse duration: < 50 fs
- central wavelength (tunable): λ = 750-850 nm
- average power: 400-500 mW @ 800 nm
Pump for Ti:sapphire laser (Millenia Pro 40J, Spectra Physics)
- laser diode: 40 W @ λ = 809 nm
- Nd:YVO4 laser: 20 W @ λ = 1064 nm
- frequency doubling by LiB3O5: 5W @ λ = 532 nm

- Q-switched, pulsed laser
- fundamental harmonic (λ = 1064 nm): 100 mJ, 20Hz
- 2nd harmonic (λ = 532 nm): 60 mJ
- 3rd harmonic (355 nm): 20 mJ
- pulse duration: ~ 4 ns
- linewidth: 0.7 cm-1 @ 1064 nm and 1.4 cm-1 @ 532 nm
- beam diameter: ~ 4 mm
- divergence: < 0.6 mrad
- flash amp, air/water heat exchanger
- controlled through RS232 or USB
- 19" rack mountable power supply