Anxious about finding a traineeship or a summer job? There is still hope!

The support offered by UniOulu is paid directly to the employer to compensate for the expenses caused by organizing the traineeship.
There are still many grants to be given out specifically to international students during this year, so grab the opportunity and apply for a traineeship in an interesting company!
Note that the grant from the University is paid to the company. This is why it is good to mention the possibility of a compensated traineeship even in the application letter you send to the possible employer or include a link to the University traineeship support info in your cover letter.
Visit the University’s Career Centre website for step-by-step instructions on how to go about finding the traineeship.
Contact possible employers beforehand boldly!
Don’t wait for open positions – as the traineeship is compensated, with the right timing the traineeship is truly a win-win situation both for you and the employer! Send a well-written open application to an interesting company, and explain, why you would be a great asset and motivated to gain work experience.
If you are struggling, contact the Counselling services by sending an email to opiskeluntuki(at) or visit Career Centre at Linnanmaa Campus!