Application round for Erasmus exchange in academic year 2022-2023 is now open

The application round for Erasmus exchange placements for the academic year 2022-2023 has opened on 1.2. and will remain open until 28.2.2022. Are you interested in a study exchange in the warmth of Spain, among the gorgeous nature of Ireland or in the heart of Paris among art and sights?
Erasmus exchange destinations have been updated and in addition to old, trusted partnerships around Europe we have a few new and exciting partnerships included in this application round which are definitely worth considering.
Exchange studies are a great way to broaden your horizons, both personally as well as professionally. During your exchange you may be able to diversify your studies by taking courses which are not available at the University of Oulu, as well as networking with international and local students for personal and professional gain.
Check out the exchange destinations in Solemove and learn more about the topic: