Apply for exchange destinations outside of Europe - call open until November 20

Exchange studies outside of Europe? Exchange placements for next academic year 2023-24 can now be applied.

See the Call for Applications for information of the destinations available, the application instructions and the application process.

Exchange destinations included in the application round are in United States, Canada, Australia, Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, South America, ISEP Program destinations outside Europe.

Some of the agreements are multidisciplinary and open to all students who find courses in the host university that are suitable for their degree programme at University of Oulu. Some agreements are restricted to only one Faculty or School and available only for students from those Faculties or Schools. Please see the Call for Applications for more information on possible restrictions.

Applications are open until November 20. We recommend you to start the application process early enough!

Last updated: 15.11.2022