Donation of 100,000 euros from Planmeca to the University of Oulu

"Our company is strongly committed to domestic product development and long-term and close cooperation with universities and health professionals. Without scientific research, there is no innovation, and with our donation we want to help promote high-quality research and product development. The University of Oulu has been a close development and research partner for us since the early days of our company," says Planmeca Group founder and CEO Heikki Kyöstilä.
Planmeca is a pioneer in the field of health technology, especially in the development of comprehensive digital solutions for dental care and receptions. Planmeca is the largest privately owned dental technology company in the industry and the parent company of the Planmeca Group. The company group employs 4,500 people around the world, and its total turnover in 2021 was 1.2 billion euros.
With its own expertise, the University of Oulu is involved in welfare technology research and innovation, as well as in promoting future solutions.
"We appreciate Planmeca's donation and commitment to long-term cooperation. We want our research results and expertise to be actively used. Cooperation with companies in key industries for us plays a central role in developing future solutions”, states Arto Maaninen, Vice Rector in Cooperation at the University of Oulu.
The donation is allocated in the field of medicine. The government matches donations made to universities by private foundations, companies and individuals with a ratio. The matched funding period ended on June 30, 2022.