EU-PolarNet 2 Newsletter - July 2022

The July edition of the quaterly EU-PolarNet 2 newsletter is now available.

Newsletter content

News from EU-PolarNet 2:

  • Webinar: Who owns the Arctic? – an Introduction to Arctic Governance
  • Workshop ‘Recommendations towards an Integrated Polar Observing System’
  • Catalyst platform launched
  • ‘Catalogue of national Polar programmes and other large-scale programmes’ and ‘Directory of Polar research funding programmes in Europe’ published!

EU Polar Cluster News:

  • EU Polar Cluster meeting in Brussels

Partner highlights on polar research:

  • New expedition to Spitsbergen in July
  • Micro- and nanoplastic from the atmosphere is polluting the ocean
  • Southern Ocean floor mapped in greatest detail ever
  • Start of Swiss Flagship Initiatives in Pamir and Greenland: a new phase for Swiss polar science
  • Konrad Steffen Grant for enhanced Swiss-Greenlandic research collaboration
  • The tenth Portuguese flight supporting the Antarctic Summer season 2021-22
  • Estonian Arctic Policy
  • Geomorphological processes shape Arctic plants
  • First ice core drilling campaign of Beyond EPICA successfully completed
  • Czech Arctic running research projects at the Centre for Polar Ecology, Faculty of Science, University of South Bohemia in Ceske Budejovice
  • The first in Poland strategy of polar policy on the governmental level

Highlights of Polar programmes:

  • A glimpse on IGOT and the Portuguese Polar Community

Upcoming events

Read the EU-Polarnet 2 July 2022 Newsletter on the EU-Polarnet website.

Last updated: 3.8.2022