Interested in meeting your future doctors and listening to medical presentations? Welcome to PlayMED!

PlayMED is an opportunity to meet your future doctors. During the event, you will be able to listen to first year medical students' presentations about topics of interest (common problems, challenges and risks for patients and doctors). Students will also demonstrate how to interview patients.

Welcome to PlayMED! First year medical students present simulated doctor-patient consultations, and posters about topics on students’ wellbeing and professional challenges.

Sign up for the event now!

Participants can sign up for these two options:
1) attend and listen to the presentations or
2) attend and also play the role of patients and get a reward (gift-card).

Note: 'patients' will get instructions before the event (at 12:00 o'clock on 14th December in Tellus). You will also get a signature for your Cafe Lingua/Culture Passport.

Place and time: 14th December, 13:00-15:00 in Tellus Kontinkangas.

Registration is binding (for catering purposes).
In case of cancellation, please inform the organisers in good time (


Last updated: 4.12.2023