Landmark 6G Symposium kicked off with release of 6G Waves Magazine

Hosted in the iconic location of Levi, Finland - the site of the world's first 6G Summit in 2019 - the 6G Symposium brought together nearly 700 researchers and industry representatives to discuss and strategise the next steps in this pioneering field. Against this backdrop, 6G Flagship unveiled the latest edition of Waves Magazine.
"Reflecting on our journey, one might wonder: was it all just a stroke of foresight at the beginning, or did we create the current landscape? Both are true, though the initial decision likely holds more weight," observes professor Markku Juntti, Director of the Centre for Wireless Communications and the 6G Flagship at the University of Oulu.
In the magazine's foreword, he discusses the programme's deliberate focus on merging academic research excellence with practical application, a principle that has guided the initiative from its outset.
Professor Juntti also notes, "Our early selections for technology focus now show a good fit for the current global 6G landscape," emphasising the programme's alignment with the International Telecommunication Union's IMT-2030 requirements and roadmap. From the beginning, 6G Flagship took a proactive approach to address emerging communication needs with integrated sensing and communication (ISAC), AI, and ubiquitous connectivity.
As 6G Flagship approaches its six-year milestone, it exemplifies Finland's commitment to leading the charge in digital communication technologies. As one of the first Finnish science flagship programmes, 6G Flagship has played a crucial role in the global 6G discourse.
The 8th edition of Waves Magazine goes beyond chronicling past achievements, spotlighting emerging research directions and technological frontiers. It features articles exploring critical areas for 6G, including network resilience, advanced microelectronics, and sustainability as a foundational principle. The magazine provides insights on developing technologies for robust networks, the potential of sub-THz frequencies, and aligning 6G initiatives with environmental and societal goals - showcasing 6G Flagship’s proactive approach to the multifaceted challenges and opportunities of the 6G era.
6G Waves Magazine Offers Insights into 6G Flagship's Milestones and Future Direction. Access the latest issue of 6G Waves Magazine here.