Mikko Ayub elected as Chair of the Board, Tua Huomo to be Vice Chair

“Working on the Board of the University of Oulu has been very interesting. I am humbled and excited to take on the chairmanship at one of Finland's leading universities. The promotion of scientific knowledge and Bildung is extremely important and a task we all share," says Mikko Ayub, the new Chair of the Board.
Mikko Ayub has been a member of the Board of the University of Oulu since 2022. He has also other board memberships. Ayub has served as CEO of Aktia Bank from 2018 to 2023. Prior to that, he held various management positions at Nordea, and an economist position at the Bank of Finland. He has a master's degree in economics from the University of Helsinki and an MBA in finance from Hanken.
Tua Huomo joined the Board of the University of Oulu on 1 January 2024. She has served as Executive Vice President of the Future products and materials area of VTT since 2018. She is also Vice Chair of the Board of CSC (ICT Centre for Science). Huomo is a PhD in Information Processing Science from the University of Oulu. She also holds an MBA from Oxford Brooks University.
The Board of Directors is the highest decision-making body of the University of Oulu, and it has 11 members. University professors, other staff, and students each have two representatives on the board. There are five members from outside the university community. The term of office of the student members of the Board is two years and that of the other members is generally four years.
Among other things, the Board decides on the key objectives of the university’s operations and finances, the strategy and steering principles, the university's operative and financial planning, the budget, and prepares the financial statements.