New course for international students/researchers: Living and Working in Finland

Are there things or phenomena that you can’t really understand, or get your head around about living in Finland? Do you sometimes feel as if you have no idea how Finnish society works? Welcome to our new course, Living and Working in Finland (2 ects)!

Are you interested in gaining some fresh insights into how things work at the University of Oulu and in Oulu in general?

If you answered yes to any of these statements, trust us, you are not alone!

Sign up for the new “Living and working in Finland” 2-credit optional studies course which will take place from the 22nd of September, until the middle of December this year.

During this course, we will delve into, and discuss some of the main characteristics of Finnish life and culture and important issues to be aware of while living and working in Finland. The main goals of the course are to provide information and advice that will (hopefully) make your integration into Finnish culture, university and working life that little bit easier. We will also be dispelling common myths and misconceptions about living and working in Finland.

The full course description and timetable can be found at Peppi.

If you have any questions about the course or enrollment, please contact the course's teacher, David Delahunty, at

Last updated: 14.8.2023