Sigrid Jusélius Foundation awards grants for medical research

The Foundation's grants were awarded in areas such as cell and molecular biology, biochemistry and physiology, cancer and tumour biology, microbiology, neuroscience, genetics and paediatrics.
The following researchers were awarded funding at the University of Oulu:
Young group leaders, 1-3 year grant:
Juha Väyrynen 50 000 €
Kauppila Joonas 50 000 € (continued funding)
Mantere Tuomo 50 000 € (continued funding)
Senior researchers, 1-3 year grant:
Eklund Lauri 65 000 €
Timo Hautala €63 000
Kajantie Eero 86 000 €
Karppinen Peppi 100 000 €
Myllyharju Johanna 100 000 €
Pihlajaniemi Taina, Heljasvaara Ritva 90 000 €
Ungureanu Daniela 65 000 €
Hinttala Reetta, Uusimaa Johanna 60 000 € (continued funding)
Jartti Tuomas 69 000 € (continued funding)
Junttila Juhani, Huikuri Heikki 76 000 € (continued funding)
Kastaniotis Alexander, Autio Kaija 65 000 € (continued funding)
Kerkelä Risto 76 000 € (continued funding)
Kursula Inari 72 000 € (continued funding)
Lehtiö Lari 72 000 € (continued funding)
Piltonen Terhi 77 000 € (continued funding)
Saarakkala Simo 64 000 € (continued funding)
Tasanen-Määttä Kaisa 69 000 € (continued funding)
Wei Gonghong 77 000 € (continued funding)
This year, the Sigrid Jusélius Foundation will provide a total of €24 million in support for cutting-edge medicine. The Foundation is the largest private supporter of medical research in Finland.
All the grants awarded and the names of the recipients can be found on the Foundation's website, under the grants page.