Summer Studies 2022

In the summer of 2022, three actual summer courses in In Information Processing Science will be offered, and in addition, a few courses will provide the opportunity to complete studies independently. Thus, in the summer, you can complete some undone work and choose from a wide range minor studies provided by the university.

Summer courses

There are three actual summer courses in Information Processing Science that anyone can attend in the summer of 2022:

Registration for these will be through Peppi (links above) or the Open University later in the spring. Please note that registration times vary by course.

Summer-time self-study opportunity

Students majoring in Information Processing Science can complete selected courses in the summer of 2022. There is no actual teaching or support during the summer, but completion is by exam, returning an assignment, or similar. The teaching, learning and assessment methods of the courses may deviate from normal implementation, as long as the learning ourcomes are met.

The summer-time self-study opportunity will be arranged at least in the following courses:

You must register for the courses by 31 May 2022 by contacting the respobsible teacher by e-mail (firstname.lastname(at) See detailed course-specific instructions below.

Other courses are not promised to be available in the summer.

Other summer studies

In the summer, there is also a good opportunity to study minor subjects that can be included in the degree in elective studies. Studies favored by computer scientists have been e.g. psychology, languages, business as well as computer science and engineering. Please note that you can also take studies from other universities and universities of applied sciences and approve them through the recognition of learning procedure.

Course-specific instructions


Responsible teacher: Elina Annanperä

Instructions are available (independent study begins): 9.5.2022

The last day to deliver the tasks required for completion: 26.8.2022

Brief description of the method of implementation: Keväällä 2022 kesken jäänyt kurssisuoritus on mahdollista tehdä loppuun kesän aikana, samoilla vaatimuksilla ja materiaaleilla kuin kevätlukukauden kurssin aikana.

Tietojärjestelmien mallintaminen, suunnittelu ja kehitys

Responsible teacher: Mikko Rajanen

Instructions are available (independent study begins): 9.5.2022

The last day to deliver the tasks required for completion: 31.8.2022

Brief description of the method of implementation: Tentin korvaavat tehtävät ja itsenäinen harjoitustyö Moodlessa.

Tietorakenteet ja algoritmit

Responsible teacher: Antti Juustila

Instructions are available (independent study begins): 5.6.2022

The last day to deliver the tasks required for completion: 15.8.2022

Brief description of the method of implementation: Itseopiskellen; harjoitukset ja harjoitustyö, tentti Moodlessa. Ei ohjausta tai tukea kesällä.

Ohjelmointi 4

Responsible teacher: Jouni Lappalainen

The last day to deliver the tasks required for completion: 31.3.2023

Brief description of the method of implementation: Itsenäinen toteutus ympäri vuoden, pl. 4. periodin aikana jolloin järjestetään ohjattu ja aikataulutettu osallistuva toteutus kurssista. Harjoitustyön ja tehtäviä voi tehdä ja palauttaa muina aikoina itsenäisesti. Palautukset tarkastetaan n. 3 kertaa vuodessa.

Johdatus tutkimustyöhön

Responsible teacher: Raija Halonen

The last day to deliver the tasks required for completion: 31.8.2022

Brief description of the method of implementation: Kurssisuorituksesta on olemassa itsenäisen suorituksen mahdollistava tapa. Siihen on erillinen opastus, ja opiskelija ilmoittautuu kurssille vastuuopettajalle (Raija Halonen) emaililla ja saa samalla ohjeen.

Research Methods

Responsible teacher: Arto Lanamäki

The last day to deliver the tasks required for completion: 31.8.2022

Brief description of the method of implementation: The course is taught every Spring semester (periods 3 & 4). Outside this, the course can be done as self-study. Even during the summer. The responsible teacher will be on vacation in July, though.

Digitalisation and Innovation

Responsible teacher: Piiastiina Tikka

Instructions are available (independent study begins): 9.5.2022

The last day to deliver the tasks required for completion: 31.8.2022

Brief description of the method of implementation: Self-study with set texts, short videos and audio introductions to themes in Moodle. Students will complete quizzes based on the set texts, and write a 5000 word academic essay on a relevant topic.

Advanced Research Methods

Responsible teacher: Netta Iivari

Instructions are available (independent study begins): 9.5.2022

The last day to deliver the tasks required for completion: 31.8.2022

Brief description of the method of implementation: Self study, literature based assignments.

Work Experience in ICT responsibilities

Responsible teacher: Tonja Molin-Juustila

Brief description of the method of implementation: Similar way as it will be done around the year.

Työharjoittelu ICT tehtävissä

Responsible teacher: Tonja Molin-Juustila

Brief description of the method of implementation: Tavanomainen toteutus, sama ympärivuoden.

Education Training

Responsible teacher: Tonja Molin-Juustila

Brief description of the method of implementation: Course is available year around. More info in Moodle.

Last updated: 22.12.2021