Three Postdoctoral Researchers positions open in the FRONT research programme

About the jobs
Resilient Networks
For this position focused on resilient business networks, we are looking for an internationally oriented postdoctoral researcher who is interested in pursuing work across traditional disciplinary boundaries on the resilience theme. The applicant should be conversant in theoretical frameworks linked to investigating how radical shifts and crises impact inter-organizational networks, and how these entities can cope with transitions needed. The research questions may focus on aspects such as how resilience emerges in networks, or how reconfiguration of varied competences take place in resilient networks – or in those that fail.
Education for Socio-ecological Resilience
For this position, we are looking for a postdoctoral researcher with knowledge of transformative education, experience of participatory research approaches, and research orientation to global education and learning for social sustainability and resilience. Research is expected to focus on learning of sustainable lifestyles, social justice, diversity in education or learning communities amidst ecological crises. The postdoctoral researcher will work in collaboration with a research team exploring students’ global responsibility to act sustainably.
Geographical Resilience research
For this Geographical Resilience Research postdoctoral researcher position, we are looking for a scholar conversant in resilience research on areas that can be related to a range of topics, such as sustainable development (and SDGs) governance; spatialities of environmental and climate change adaptation; political ecology; tourism management, planning and development; and community, heritage and creative cultural studies. Postdoctoral researcher is expected to develop research ideas on how to assess resilience in different socio-spatial scales in collaboration with a research team.
Read more, and apply by January 15th, 2024 here: