Timetable for degree students for spring term 2024 is published

Timetable for degree students for spring term 2024 are now published in Peppi and Tuudo mobile application.

Study guide is found at https://opas.peppi.oulu.fi/en. The study guide includes information on degrees, curriculums, courses, and course timetable times and places.

If there is incorrect information in Tuudo, contact Academic Affairs Service Team in order for them to correct data to Peppi, so that Tuudo can show the information correctly.

Course enrolment

Please do the course enrolment for the spring term 2024 according to the enrolment dates shown in the course implementations. You can do the course enrolment in Peppi or Tuudo. Please ensure you have enrolled to courses by using the correct study right number.

Guides for using Peppi can be found at Student’s Peppi.

Last updated: 28.11.2023