The University of Oulu personnel has elected the decision-makers in the administrative bodies for 2022-2025

A total of 24 members are elected to the university's highest decision-making body, the University Collegium, 8 of which represent professors, 8 other personnel, and 8 students.
Eleven members are elected to the Board of Directors. Professors, other personnel, and students will each have two representatives in the Board that commences its duties on 1 January 2022. In addition, there will be five outside members and the University Collegium has named a working group to prepare the election of the one new outside member. The council members of the Student Union of the University of Oulu (OYY) have previously elected Teemu Virtanen and Miriam Putula in the Board as student representatives.
The application process for student representatives to other bodies is open until 15 November 2021. The student representatives will be selected by the council members of the OYY.
The election commission has confirmed the results of the administrative elections for the University Collegium and the faculty boards. The current University Collegium confirms the election result of the Board of Directors.
University Collegium of the University of Oulu for the term 2022-2025 (confirmed). Members of teachers, researchers and other personnel: Timo Kokkonen, Paula Vaskuri, Jari Laru, Jari Hannu, Sirpa K. Aalto, Pirkko Viitala, Juha Ahola, Ari Kankaanpää. Members of the professors: Matti Alatalo, Helka-Liisa Hentilä, Mirka Hintsanen, Risto Kerkelä, Jouni-Matti Kuukkanen, Aki Manninen, Petri Sahlström, Olli Silven.
Board of Directors of the University of Oulu for the term 2022-2025 (unconfirmed). Members of teachers, researchers and other personnel: Riku Hietaniemi, Kimmo Kontio. Members of the professors: Tiina Kinnunen, Johanna Uusimaa. Students: Teemu Virtanen, Miriam Putula.