University of Oulu researchers deliver key Arctic message to Glasgow Climate Change Conference

World leaders and chief executives from industry and business are gathered in Glasgow for the COP26 Climate Summit. In the summit, critical policy decisions are being hammered out that will impact all of us regarding future fossil fuel emissions and time-frames for neutralizing carbon-based economies.

The University of Oulu have been well represented in climate science by Professor Alun Hubbard and Dr Hannah Bailey who were invited to COP26’s inner “Blue Zone” to engage politicians, industry leaders and policy decision-makers, and to present their research on the state of the Arctic.
Professor Alun Hubbard speaking

Prof. Hubbard gave three keynote talks and multiple interviews focusing on glacier and ice sheet melt driving rapid global sea-level rise, Arctic sea-ice loss fueling extreme weather events, and the ticking time-bomb of future Arctic methane release in a warming world.

These presentations were live-streamed, televised and the University of Oulu research was further showcased in a documentary “Seat at the Table” which features key young influencers and Sir David Attenborough. In episode 9 and 10 of “A Seat at the Table”, Prof. Hubbard’s Greenland research is highlighted, as well as his personal journey by sailboat from Greenland to Glasgow to deliver ice meltwater and young influencers to the COP26 summit.

“Our observations paint a bleak future, but it’s not too late to turn the situation around. COP26 is the crucial opportunity for world leaders to put differences and self-interest aside and act collectively to curb climate change for the good of the planet and its ecosystems. We must act now. Business and industry get the message – it is the politicians who are dithering. With a week to go, the pressure is on to come away with genuine policy implementations and not just empty rhetoric and promises,” Prof. Hubbard says.

Professor Alun Hubbard’s keynote presentation (video)


A BBC radio interview of Hubbard


“Seat at the Table: A World without Ice” (video)

Last updated: 19.6.2024