VisitAnts Ukraine Funds

These exceptional scholarships are awarded to Ukrainian scholars to enable them to carry out scientific research on environmental change and biodiversity loss, and/or human socio-cultural responses to them at the University of Oulu. Funding covers living costs in, and travel to/from Oulu, and is currently available for stays of up to six months. Open to researchers holding a PhD or currently enrolled in a doctoral programme. DL: Closed

Biodiverse Anthropocenes announces the release of exceptional grants for Ukrainian scholars to carry out scientific research at the University of Oulu.

Grantees will work in Oulu, conducting research on environmental change and biodiversity loss, and/or human socio-cultural responses to them. We provide a welcoming and encouraging environment for research, writing and collaboration, as well as a workspace and full access to university libraries and research facilities. Grantees will receive a tax-free grant of EUR 2,000 per month to cover living costs in Oulu. Additionally, financial assistance covering return travel to Oulu will be provided. At the moment, these exceptional grants can be provided for up to six months; this will be revised following availability of funds and current state of the conflict. Applicants may either be doctoral degree holders or doctoral candidates currently enrolled in a PhD programme.

This fund is currently closed.

Last updated: 16.10.2023