Welcome to the film preview of After Us the Flood – discounted price for students

Tickets for the preview are on sale until 10 November.
After Us the Flood is a sci-fi-tinged drama film with environmental themes. The film raises an important and topical issue about the state of the environment and the importance of protecting it. At the heart of the story are young student characters that develop a fusion reactor, who not only provide a platform for identification, but also remind us that young people are an essential part of the solution to societal challenges.
The film is directed by Arto Halonen, an internationally acclaimed director-producer who has tackled important social issues. The film stars an impressive cast of widely experienced and well-known actors, including Linnea Leino, Elias Westerberg, Tuomas Nilsson, Antti Reini and many others.
You can watch the movie trailer here
After the film, the event will continue with an interesting panel discussion, where you will be able to delve into the important and topical environmental themes of the film. What role do hope, and new possibilities play when fiction meets science?
The panel will feature researchers from the University of Oulu's key profiling programmes: professor of evolutionary biology, genetics and ecology Heikki Helanterä from the Biodiverse Anthropocenes research programme, hydrogen researcher Filipp Temerov from the H2FUTURE research programme, professor of socio-ecological resilience Maria Ojala from the FRONT research programme and film director Arto Halonen.
The film in Finnish has English subtitles. The panel discussion will be held in English.