Where are you, 2018 graduate? Please respond to the career monitoring survey

The alumni who are in the survey’s target group will be contacted directly by mail as well as by text message. Every response is highly important! The education provided at the universities will be developed based on the feedback, and the information will also be utilized in research.
By responding you will help both current and future students. Gaining information about the career paths of graduates is valuable for current and future students when they make decisions on their studies and career plans. The results of the survey will affect university funding.
The survey is part of the career monitoring carried out by the national Aarresaari network of universities. The survey is open until December 11, 2023.
Would you like to know how other graduates in your field have found employment? Visit the website toissa.fi. The service is based on the results of career monitoring surveys carried out in previous years, and the results collected now will also be included in it.
More information:
Graduates in working life
Responding to the career monitoring survey is one way of having an influence