Digital transformation in Hospital-at-Home pathway

Developing novel, cost-effective, and scalable digital solutions along the Hospital-at-Home pathway.

Project information

Project duration


Funding amount

50 000 EUR

Project coordinator

University of Oulu

Contact information

Contact person

Other persons

Project description

Future "hospitals without walls" will enable a seamless patient experience, ensure access to care, and improve continuity and coordination of care, while digital solutions will play a key role in improving the efficiency of existing care pathways. However, digital transformation is a challenging process. It requires investment in skills, processes, and business models. In this project, we aim to develop novel, cost-effective, and scalable digital solutions along the Hospital-at-Home pathway using a patient-centric approach.

Project results

The project will describe current Hospital-at-Home delivery models, explore the state of digital transformation in the Hospital-at-Home pathway, and identify value chains of novel digital solutions across upstream and downstream activities in the Hospital-at-Home supply chain.

Research groups